Rational behind the construction of exhibit:-The growth of population & development of technology had led to growth in phenomenal growth in ground in ground water exploitation. The over exploitation of ground water has not only  led to its scarcity but has also caused related quality problems like rise in fluoride, arsenic nitrate & TDS content in ground water. Growing water scarcity is forcing the search for simple economical and self reliant solutions. Also, the water can be used for treatment of different diseases. So in the model, we have shown various technique by using which we can use water more properly and more efficiently which are as follow:-
1)       Waste water treatment;
2)       Rain water harnessing;
3)       Treatment of diseases by water.             
The scientific Principle involved:-
1)       Microorganisms like aerobic bacteria use the sewage as food and thus cleans the water of various organic matter.
2)       Hard surfaces such as roofs and pavements that decrease ground water percolations constitute the catchments which generate the enhanced runoff which has to be guided for storage.
3)       Different colors like red, blue etc. have different effect on the body and have different healing qualities, which can be used for the treatment of various diseases
Material used
Jars, PVC pipes, simple pipes, iron box, M-Seal, plastic bottles, soil, charts and color rappers etc.
Construction and working
1)   Waste water treatment:-The processes involved in the waste             water treatment are
a)       Screening: - Waste water firstly enters in the Bar Screen Chamber where items like wood, rocks and even dead animals are removed and most of these animals are sent to the land fills. These may also cause damage to the machines and pumps.
b)       Grinding: - the waste water then passes through a grinder where leaves and other organic materials are reduced in size for efficient treatment and removed later.
c)       Aeration cum settlement tank: - this is one of the important steps in the waste water treatment. In it water is shaking up & imposed to air. This cause some of the dissolved gases (such as hydrogen sulphide) released from water. As organic matter decay, it uses up oxygen in it air is pumped through the water. It forces the GRIT (coffee grounds, sand and other small dust particles) to settle out. Taken for landfills.                                                                  Waste water now enters the sedimentation tank, here the sludge (organic portion of the sewage) settles out of the waste water and is pumped out of the tanks & sludge is processed in large tanks called Digesters
d)       Removing scum:- As sludge is settling to the bottom of sedimentation tanks, lighter materials are floating to the surface. This scum includes grease oil plastics & soap. Slow moving rakes skim the scum off the surface of water.
e)       Chlorination (Killing Bacteria):- Now the waste water flows in to a chlorine contact tank, where the chlorine is added to kill the bacteria. Now the treated water called effluent may be discharged to a local river or in the oceans. But we have shown here that this water by further purification can be reused in our houses.
f)        Filtration: - water is now filtered through multiple layers of sand and charcoal and carbon filter (coal), pesticides and any other dissolved organic materials are absorbed by coal.
g)       Solar Disinfection: - Solar disinfection means ozonization which kills viruses and other bacteria.
This water now can be reused.
2)   Rain Water Harvesting:-
                  In this we have shown two methods which are
1.)         Storage of runoff for direct use: - In this step the rain water form the roof top is stored in the tanks. This type of harvesting can be suitable for the areas where rain falls almost through out the year.
2.)        Ground water Recharge:-  In it we have shown that depending upon the available space we can make the arrangement to harness the rainy water for example a recharge pit is used for smaller buildings with roof area 100-150 sq. meter and a recharge trench is used for the buildings up to 350 sq. m of plot area. All these arrangements are shown in the diagrams.
3.)   Treatment of diseases by water:-
In our model we have prepared colored bottles by rapping colored paper on the bottles. These bottles are cleaned up filled up to ¾ levels with fresh well water, distilled water. The bottle should be closed with the lids of same colors and then place them in bright sun light on wooden planks for three to four hours. After this exposure the water is said to acquire medicinal properties and this colored charge water can be used both internally and for external applications. Wounds and ulcer can be washed with this water and it can also be used to massage the affected parts or applied as compress on them.
Use of different colors in treatment of different diseases:-
a)      Red color   Red color devotes fire, anger and luxury. This can be consumed like a tonic for tuberculosis, blood pressure, aneamia and other disease can be cured with this color. It is also useful for U.V. and x-ray burns. Red color gives heat and is helpful in making the dead part alive. This color also cures the deformities in physically handicapped persons. Deficiency of this color may cause laziness           
b)      Blue Color: - Blue color is considered be the best among all colors. This color gives coolness and peace. Blue water prepared under sun light cures chronic constipations, fever, pain, dysentery, cough, asthma, head ache, heat. It is valuable for under weight and over reactive people.
c)      Yellow color: - Yellow color is most luminous. This color is stimulant and energic for muscles and nerves. It activates the mind liver and spleen. It is useful in curing in digestion, jaundice, nervousness, stomach pain, pancreas activity and heart disease. It is used for skin cleansing and to destroy intestinal worms. It is also useful in treatment of impotency.
d)      Orange color: - Orange color is a respiratory stimulant. It is valuable for chronic kidney disease and gall stones. This color is also beneficial in vomiting, cold. Sneezing. Hernia and appendicitis are cured with this color. Orange color is the best medicine for asthma. It also helps in forming milk in the mother’s breast.
e)      Violet color: - Violet color is useful in reducing the body heat deficiency of this color causes dysentery, cholera etc. Violet color water prepared under sun light is used for curing heart beat and mental weakness. It gives anxiety without increasing the anger. It is beneficial in curing hydrosil. White discharge, fat tummy and uterus.
f)       White Crystal water: - this water is used for drinking purposes only this attracts the seven color sun light at a time. This water strengthens the seven metals in the human body.

g)      Green color: - Green color is useful in treating the skin problems. Green color is neutral, neither hot nor cool. The main quality of this color is that it purifies the blood. It is beneficial in curing wounds and in removal of body dirt through urine and sweat. It has miraculous effect on the nervous system and brain cells. It also increases eye sight.

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